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Hello there.

My name is Richard Dill and I'm a freelance graphic designer. Since 1995, I've been grafting and crafting designs and solutions that engage and excite. Please feel free

to come in and have wee look around.


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Since 1995 I have worked as a graphic designer on a wide spectrum of projects, and have been fortunate enough to have worked with some fantastic clients and alongside some very talented designers and creatives. Projects I have produced have ranged from European branding, advertising and print campaigns, to developing design and branding for smaller, perfectly formed businesses.


I've never lost sight of the importance of a robust work ethic, the creation and cultivation of strong working relationships and the necessity for impeccable execution at all times. These elements provide clients with solutions which effectively respond to their needs in partnership with

exceeding their expectations.


I'm passionate/obsessive about design and although I'm serious about what I do, I understand

the importance of not taking yourself too seriously. As the 'grafting & crafting' maxim suggests, 

a positive attitude coupled with good old fashioned hard work is an ethos that I've always 

wholeheartedly believed in.


I'm always looking for new and exciting projects to get involved in so you have something

in mind or even if you fancy a friendly chat then please don't hesitate to get in touch.



Get in touch


Hello, Ciao,

Bonjour, Hola,

Guten Tag

Dill Design

07898 798 926

All work ©Copyright Dill Design 2024. All rights reserved.
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